Mine is an award-winning album from Trout Fishing in America, available on CD and MP3.
- Boiled Okra And Spinach
- 18 Wheels On A Big Rig
- (Written by Heywood Banks South Hand Music)
- Mine!
- Hall Of A Hundred Doors
- Swimming Pool
- Count On Me
- Wishes
- Carry Me
- Five Little Ducks (live)
- I Can Dance
Produced by Carl Finch of Brave Combo
Released in 1994
Sister album of Who Are These People?
- Parent’s Choice Award
- ALA Notable Recordings Award
- INDIE Award for Children’s Album of the Year. (AFIM)
Dirty Linen
This new release by TFIA if being sold as a kid’s album, but you don’t have to have a kid to enjoy it…you just have to be a kid, of whatever age. Their music touches universal themes that apply to all of us. ‘Mine,’ the titlecut, humorously points out the way any possession increases in value as soonas someone else wants it. ’18 Wheels on a Big Rig’ is a counting song/comedyroutine that keeps you singing along and chuckling.
Beware of ‘Five Little Ducks’ — having heard/participated in this song ata TFIA concert, my six-year-old delights in repeat performances that leave us both hoarse. And what kid can’t identify with the best line in ‘Boiled Okra and Spinach’: ‘I’d rather eat boogers than black-eyed peas…?’
Not all of the tape is rolling-in-the-aisles funny. Other songs are tender, such as ‘Count on Me’ and ‘Carry Me.’ The syncopated ‘Swimming Pool’ is catchy and just fun. And ‘I Can Dance’ is a celebration of overcoming the fear of seeming ridiculous.
The best thing one can say about TFIA is that they are high-energy without being cloying. This release is genuinely fun, with humor that is silly, yeterudite, and enjoyable even to adult ears. When stacking up the multi-disc CDplayer with other albums of whatever genre, this one will fit right in for a breath of fresh air and some comic relief and maybe the kids won’t complain so much about the music if they know ‘Five Little Ducks’ might just pop up.
–Susan Harman (Baltimore,MD)
Parents’ Choice
This group’s eccentric approach to music is a little wacky, a lot real,and unaffectedly respectful of children’s intelligence and emotion. Did youreally like sharing when you were a kid (‘I saw it first! It’s mine/I had itlast! It’s mine!’)? From boogie to tango, the performers are game–and able to tackle just about any musical mode.
Family Fun Magazine
Towering Ezra Idlet and diminutive Keith Grimwood are the Mutt-and-Jefftwosome who comprise Trout Fishing in America. ‘Mine!’ is their secondchildren’s album, and it is a humorous, delightful must-have. From folk toblues to rock and roll to old-timey music, Trout Fishing plays it all–withsmart lyrics to boot. Check out this couplet from the tango-style titletrack, about the difficulty of sharing: ‘I feel the envy in your eyes eachtime you see it,/But you know that it’s rightfully mine,/You’d better believeit.’ ‘Mine!’ is funny, touching, and always true to life.
–Moira McCormick